August 10, 2009

Enter in the 2010 NSLP Multimedia Showcase

Submission Deadline: January 22, 2010

We live in a world faced with several critical challenges that deserve our collective attention. Everyday in schools and communities across the country—and in fact, the world—young people are daring to make a difference by tackling the challenge to create solutions to these important community problems.

Youth engaged in service-learning do not consider themselves to be “the leaders of tomorrow” because so many are stepping forward as leaders today. Through service-learning, young people are taking what they learn in the classroom and translating it into powerful ideas and action to create change in their own communities.

Celebrating Youth Who Dare To Change the World through Service-Learning

With support from the State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation, the National Service-Learning Partnership (NSLP) at the Academy for Educational Development is helping us shine a bold spotlight on the many ways in which we as young people are changing the world.

It is a national service-learning recognition program for youth, by youth. Through the We Are a Solution: Youth Changing the World through Service-Learning Multimedia Showcase, young people can express how they are transforming their communities, their schools, and even their own lives through service-learning. Through this showcase, youth will:

- Tell the world how education becomes more meaningful and school becomes more exciting when they are given the chance to put the skills and information learned in the classroom into action in the world around us.
- Spotlight the many ways in which youth are creating solutions to important community problems.
- Inspire others to bring learning to life by creating more opportunities for young people to learn and take action through service-learning.

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