May 12, 2009

Service Agency Visited by First Lady Obama: Speaks Up for Service-Learning

Washington, DC - May 12, 2009 - First lady Michelle Obama says that community service changed her life.Mrs. Obama spoke Tuesday to about 250 employees of the federal agency that manages service programs, the Corporation for National and Community Service. She talked about her decision to leave corporate law and how she eventually helped to establish a Chicago chapter of an AmeriCorps program. Visit WJLA-ABC7 News for more information (and hopefully) video footage of the event (photo courtesy of WJLA-ABC 7 News).

Now I must admit, I am one Mrs. Obama's biggest fans (I know it's not cool to say that). But after reading these quotes, I'm almost certain that I will be a founding member of the Michelle Obama Fan Club in my hometown, assuming it has yet to be established (smile). Check out these quotes:

"And for parents in particular, now that I have my own children, service is a great way to demonstrate values and to teach children firsthand what it means to think outside of themselves. And we've relied on service so much as a tool of teaching and education for our kids. And when I talk to kids everywhere, I remind them that they're never too young to serve, that they're never too small to do something big, because that's the way that they learn what it means to make a lifelong commitment to service."

"The bill is going to invest in service-learning, a concept that now is a part of this culture, thanks to you. When I was coming up, no one knew what service-learning was. And now it's a part of educational experiences throughout this nation, so more kids are going to have the opportunity to serve, not just those who can afford it. And that goes back to my story."

I love it! You can read the full article by the Chicago Sun-Times.

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